WELCOME! If you�re looking for someone to get you and your book the publicity and attention it deserves � whether on the west coast or nationally, OR if you�re looking for a company to get you ready for your speaking engagements, book tours, or presentations to the media, look no further. Kim-from-L.A. Literary and Media Services will take care of all your needs. As literary publicists, we tailor our campaigns to suit your needs and your budget. We provide everything from local and regional publicity to national book tours. As media trainers, we take your great idea�whether it is in the form of a book, lecture or presentation�and help you to focus it, shape it, and deliver it with passion, excitement and clarity, whether to a reporter, in front of a camera, or to a live audience of thousands. We help you to create your own self-assured style, eliminate your fear of public speaking, and demonstrate how you can �own and control� your interview. The services we provide are separate. You can hire us strictly for literary publicity or just for media training. And, of course, you can hire us for both! We invite anyone to give us a call at 323-655-6023, or to email us at kimfromla@earthlink.net to find out how we can help you with whatever you might need. |
"Kim is not only brilliant at nailing why your book is unique, she
executes a winning plan using panache, brainpower and unflagging
enthusiasm. I wouldn�t dare embark on a publicity campaign without Kim
in the lead."
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